
Monday, February 6, 2012

Vacation time

Hello to all my readers!

I wanted to let you know that I'll be away from my computer for the next two weeks while I'm traveling.

Please watch for a new post on Feb 22 or 23.

(you can put your email address in 'follow by email' and be notified when I write my next post)

Have a great two weeks!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Clear the Path

Card: “Clear the Path”
From: Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette

Your path to happiness should be an easy ride. Is the path you’re following cluttered? Is there anything keeping you back from being happy? What is its importance (if any)? Were they put there by the ‘old’ you, and therefore put there by old thinking? Is your old thinking holding you back? I think that if we look at some of those things holding us back, we’ll come to realize that some of them have no place in our lives. Shine the light of scrutiny on them and see them disappear.

Clear the path to your happiness!

Have a great day!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Get Grounded

Card: “Get Grounded”
From: Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette

Grounding is about connecting with the earth and our earthly bodies. It’s similar to the importance of a grounding wire in a electrical plug. Often when we meditate or daydream we become less ‘grounded’ as we connect with the spirit world. We may feel lightheaded and dreamy. While it’s good to be dreamy when you’re daydreaming or meditating, it’s not so good when you’re doing an important task like cooking or driving. As for cooking, take it from me, it’s good to be grounded. I am very ‘clumsy’ in the kitchen but I’ve come to realize that it’s just because I’m not grounded in what I’m doing and I’m not grounded to the earth. I’m going to start grounding myself every time I start to prepare something in the kitchen. I’ll save a lot of band-aids, for sure! :-)

There are a few ways to get grounded, but my favourite was taught to me by my first spiritual teacher, Holly Poole, of Healing in Motion: Holly’s technique for grounding is quite simple, and as with most spiritual and psychic things, it’s about intent. To use Holly’s technique, all you do is move your arm in a sweeping downward motion, like you’re slamming a book on a table, but follow through to the extent of your arm. Move your arm in this fashion three times and each time say ‘I am grounded’ at the same time you’re doing the movement. This always works for me.

The next time you feel ‘out of touch’ or feel like you’ve got your ‘head in the clouds’, try this grounding exercise, and notice how you feel afterwards.

Have a great, grounding day!

Val ♥

Friday, February 3, 2012

Hello from Heaven

Card: “Hello from Heaven”
From: Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

On the card: “Archangel Azrael: ‘Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine.  Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings.’”

Isn’t it great to get confirmation that your loved ones who have passed on are doing fine and sending you loving blessings?  Even though I don’t believe in ‘heaven’ in the religious sense, I do believe that our souls go to a better place.  And I do believe that we have spirits/angels watching over us. 

Today, look for subtle signs that there are loving, positive spirits around us, helping us when we need it.

Don’t worry.  All is well.

Val ♥

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle

Card: “Healthy Lifestyle”
From: Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

On the card: “Archangel Raphael: ‘Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health.’”

What a great card for me to pull today.  I needed a little nudge to get back on track.  What about you?  Are you eating healthily, getting adequate sleep and exercising (if you’re able to)?  I say ‘if you’re able to’ because sometimes health issues preclude us from regular exercise.  I went through a period where I had to limit my walking/activity (including housework) to 15 minutes a day.  I was building up my tolerance to exercise, and I’m glad to say it worked.  By taking that time of ‘no exercise’, and gradually adding a tiny bit of activity, I have successfully adapted so that I can now walk vigorously for an hour a day with little to no negative effects. 

I’m also going on vacation soon, so I’m going to have to concentrate on healthful eating.  The food is going to be tempting, but I’ll have to be strong.  And I will be strong. 

In the winter, a lot of our good habits and intentions go out the window.  What can you do today to help you get back to a healthy lifestyle? 

How is your sleeping?  Are you getting adequate rest?  I’ve recently discovered that ‘REST is BEST’.  When we have our bodies and minds in a constant high state of energy and activity, like so many of us in today’s busy world, our body goes into overdrive and puts off repair and restoration.  We have to purposefully take time to rest so that our body can come down from the heightened state and resume normal body and mind maintenance.  If we keep putting off rest, our bodies and minds will just keep going and eventually have some kind of ‘burn-out’.  Whether that ‘burn-out’ is a physical event like a cold or flu, or a mental event like depression, we can ward off most negative events if we take adequate breaks and rest well.  It is especially important in today’s busy world. 

Today, remember: REST is BEST.

Val ♥

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Brilliant Idea!

Card: “Brilliant Idea!”
From: Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

On the card: “Archangel Uriel: ‘Yes, your idea is Divinely guided…please take action to bring your idea to fruition.

How nice it is to receive confirmation that your idea is divinely guided!  Have you been thinking about whether something is a good idea or not?  Well, this is your cue to get started. 

When I’m trying to decide whether an idea is a good one or not, I really concentrate on how each choice makes me feel.  I think about each of the outcomes and see if it feels good.  Your soul knows the best answer to any question. 

Don’t procrastinate.  I just read a quote today from someone named Karen Lamb: “A year from now you may wish you had started today.”  I love it!  I’m thinking about all the things I could have been farther along with if I had started them a year ago. And now I’m thinking about the projects I can start today.

The possibilities are endless – so start something today!

Val ♥

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rejoice in Celebration

Card: “Rejoice in Celebration”
From: The Psychic Tarot by John Holland

Rejoicing is a great way to lighten your mood.  It brings light and love to your soul.  And even though not everything in our lives is joyful doesn’t mean we can’t rejoice in the small things.

Your soul gets bogged down when all you do is worry about things.  Stop worrying.  Start rejoicing.  Rejoice at the smaller things, too, such as a nice note from a friend, a bird in a tree, a plant in your house, or even your favourite song coming on the radio.  When you bring more celebration into your life you’ll have more to celebrate.  Rejoicing is like gratitude.  You’re recognizing the positiveness of something and you’re drawing attention to it.  I think it is impossible to be rejoiceful without gratitude. 

Celebrate life with friends.  Having a jovial time will bring more joy to your heart.  And maybe even have a little dance!  Try listening to this video of Kool and The Gang's Celebration and not tap your toes (get up and dance!):

And in those immortal words of Cool and The Gang:

"It's up to you, what's your pleasure...
Come on and celebrate, good times, tonight
'Cause everything's gonna be all right
Let's celebrate"

Today, celebrate the little things!

Val ♥